Apparently not!
Hullo, my name is Mints. I play a character by the same name as well as Eilien, Jon Leonard, Ann Rose, Shalbriri, Karkat, one of the many Loki incarnations you'll find running around (usually with the lovely Sigyn), and other lesser played characters. I'm a bit main hall shy, so you may not see my around often. (Psst, I'm there though, if you peek~)
I've been around the tether for a long while, seen a lot of changes to it, when it transferred ownership and what not. I will always, and forever, love the Tether. It's my virtual home, and I always end up coming back one way or another. c:
Oh, also, I'm super whisper friendly and a bit of a nutter, warm up quickly to strangers and all that. Don't be afraid to ask questions or just chat me up.
Le's be friends, kay? <3
Huh, thought I had posted before!
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