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Kechik Dian [Unowned]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:49 pm
by KechikDian
Basic Information

Full Name:
Kechik Dian (The Little Candle)

Kechik, Dian, Shorty, Squirt, Cock, Brat

Name on Identification:
Kechik Dian




Sub Species/Breed:
Serama Bantam Rooster

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Slender, athletic. "Swimmer's Build"

Physical Details:
Eyes: Almond shaped, Red
Hair:Golden with red down the center which is combed to one side. Feathered around face and layered to below shoulderblades
Skin:Olive kissed
Feathers:Green tail, golden saddle, red secondaries and gold primaries tipped with green.
Other attributes:Taloned hands. 7" bony spurs growing from each ankle. These can be fitted with special blades for fighting or adornments for fancy dress.

Physical Drawbacks:
Tail feathers can be stepped on if lowered.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Talons are quite sharp. His kick is quite powerful and the spurs are used in sweeping moves or brought down from a hammer kick.

Appealing Attributes:
Exotic in appearance. Androgynous. Feathers are kept well preened and cared for while talons are well manicured.

Arena wear: short pants to allow freedom of movement in grey. Slave attire: Malaysian robes of red embroidered with gold and green

Other Items:
Pair of spur blades that fit around the ankle and allow natural spurs to come jut out over the blades themselves. Two Silat Kris/Keris blades. Makeup kit.


Feral or Cultured:
Highly cultured but cocky. When faced with a freeperson, renter or handler he is quite cultured, refined and trained. Can become aggressive with other males of same class if confronted in a challenging manner.

Aquaphobia - fear of water. Can't swim
Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street.
Phagophobia- Fear of being eaten.

Slight narcissism.

How do they present themselves:
Calm and composed usually. Minding his own business and making sure his fellows are in order. May even strut. Prideful at times.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Does not seem to mind it. It could have been worse when he was in the market place. He could have been butchered!

Overall Attitude:
Calm yet cocky.

Movements are somewhat stop and go. Quick to start and stop. Very bird and chicken like at times.

Hobbies / Interests:
Fighting, dancing, dustbaths, sun bathing, training.

High or Low Maintenance:

Diet / Allergies:
Omnivore. Not too much bread.


Language(s) Spoken:
The common tongue.
Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language)

Can they Read / Write:
Common, Rumi, Jawi, chickenscratch.

Can your character produce magic:
No magical skills whatsoever.

Talents / Skills:
Fighting (Malaysian Silat/Kickboxing with daggers), dancing.

Serving, some positions, gladiatorial, native dancing, pick-pocketing, pleasure.


Previous Owners:
Food market, Various cock-fighters, Golden Tether

Previous Usage(s):
Prize fighter.

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own. Ownership discussion available after 4 rental sessions.

To rent: 10 gold per session (Money Purse: pay to Golden Tether)

OOC Info/Notes

Most days of the week. If you see me online I am usually fair game.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Character growth and development!

What are your allowances for your character:
Pretty much anything except death and severe mutilation, straight-to-sex, or gross fetishes. If you want to damage him permanently, let us discuss in a whisper.

Long Term/Short Term:
I am good with both.

General Information

Character Description:
A rare sight to see. A male harpy. Yet so small in stature but quick to move. Androgynous features blending into skin and feathers add to the beauty of this rare bird. Large red, gold and green wings were upon his back, running down to saddle feathers of soft gold before finally those unmistakable rooster tail feathers in deep emerald. Golden hair layered to his upper back sporting a lovely red section in the middle combed to the side. Red eyes scanning and always on the look out. Kechik would be hailing from the eastern regions, he is skilled in the fighting style of Silat. A native style with kicks and blades. You will see him walking barefoot, but what shoes would fit around those large spurs? Cocky and somewhat arrogant but truly a loyal bird once he takes to you.


Contact Details:
Furcadia or RPR