Meera (Folktale) -- unowned slave.

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Meera (Folktale) -- unowned slave.

Post by Bronmai »

From the writings of the guard that processed her upon arrival--

"Of the new slaves we received today, one stood out as both unique and considerably dangerous. According to the sailors that sold it to the establishment it was captured off of a cove that borders our sea and another, several days travel from here. They had kept it from drying off for fear of killing it, ignorant of the extent of its abilities, and brought it to us bound and weak with starvation. The slave was both dirty and bloody--remnants from its capture, possibly. Once in our care the slave was bathed, groomed, and clothed in a linen shift, as is procedure. Afterwards, we let it dry and waited to see if any change would occur. Upon being completely dried, a dramatic transformation took place--its gills and scales receded into its body and its tail shortened and split off into human legs. The slave's teeth and nails, which had previously been too sharp to leave as they were, also became shorter and more dull, though we were informed that one of the sailors were scratched during travel and became very ill, so we have shackled the slave's arms behind its back as a precaution. Despite the possible loss of appeal to potential renters and buyers, we thought it would be best to keep the slave in this form for safety reasons and placed her in one of the common pens with the other slaves."

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Meera, no last name.

Nickname: None.

Name on Identification: Meera

Age: Slave appears young and healthy, at a guess, nineteen or twenty.

Gender: Slave is unquestionably female.

Species: Mermaid, maid of the sea.

Sub Species/Breed: None.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slave's body type changes depending on certain circumstances; if exposed to or submerged in water, gills, scales, webbing and a lengthy fish tail may become apparent, depending on the amount of water. Otherwise, as it is kept human, body type is thin, bordering on lanky. Small breasts and slight curves mark a feminine appearance.

Physical Details:

-- Hair: Red, orange, and gold; varies from top to bottom.

-- Eyes: Gold; pupil size varies.

-- Skin: Pale, appears to burn easily. Numerous freckles, though these are of an unusual gold color.

-- Tattoos/piercings/scars? Faint red marks, appears to be scar tissue, on either side of throat, where the gills become visible when exposed to water. No tattoos or piercings.

Physical Markings: Freckles, red scar tissue on neck.

Physical Drawbacks: Appears to be fragile and weak; does not appear very strong.

Current Infliction(s): *Original entry scratched out and replaced.*

-- Slave has been whipped. Unknown if wounds will leave scars on its back and legs.

Physical Defenses: Teeth and nails-- hands are to be remained shackled behind the slave's back at all times for safety reasons.

Appealing Attributes: Hair, eyes, species.

Clothing: Slave was given a simple linen shift to wear.

Other Items: Slave came to us with numerous rusted items woven into its hair and hanging by twine from its body--we removed these, but let it keep the string of sea glass and shells around its neck to help add to appeal to possible renters.


Feral or Cultured: Possibly cultured, has presented feral tendencies.

Phobias: Slave has shown no fear as of yet, though it has presented discomfort when away from the water for too long.

Disorders: None that we know of yet.

How do they present themselves: Presents as a typical untrained slave. Will need extensive training.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Resentful.

Overall Attitude: Flighty, mercurial. Slave has shown itself to have a temperament that ranges from one end of the spectrum to the other--will need to be trained out of it.

Quirks: Appears to enjoy watching the other slaves and mimicking their actions.

Hobbies / Interests: N/A.

High or Low Maintenance: High.

Diet / Allergies: Raw fish and meat, seaweed. We tried feeding the slave cooked food and she became noticeably ill.


Language(s) Spoken: This slave has given its ability to speak common away. It is unknown if it can speak other languages.

Can they Read / Write: Unknown.

Can your character produce magic: It is believed that, given the nature of this slave's being, that it can produce magic--magic dampening cuffs have been placed on its person. It is unknown if these will keep it from transforming completely or not when in the presence of water.

Talents / Skills: Transformation, others not known.

Training: Minimal, extensive training will need to happen before this slave will be ready for purchase.


Previous Owners: None, previously free.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Free.

For Rent or to Own: Rent.


- 1 Night Rental: 10 silver or 1 gold.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: If I'm on, I most likely want to roleplay unless stated otherwise! Just shoot me a whisper or BOLD my name in a post. :)

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Well, I would really like for there to be some training done with this slave, but also for someone that's going to rent her a few times, first--discover her talents, abilities, realize that she's more of an animal or fae creature than a human, which she is NOT. I'd like someone that would actually USE her for those talents. She can be very vicious, but I imagine if you give her something to do and feed her well enough, she'd at least not try to, uh, eat the hand that feeds her, so to speak. She CAN be trained. As a note, she is less likely to attack females than males, but this is due to her nature and what she is, not her sexuality. I don't want her to just be beaten because she disobeys, there needs to be a reason for what goes on in the roleplay, a plot. As for what she can do, well--she can dive for treasure, and she cries precious gemstones--and there are other things that can be done with those gems or even with her tears, her blood, and and and... There's a lot that she can be used for, that can be useful.

What are your allowances for your character: Mostly no consent, but I would rather you tell me if you're going to try to maim her, or kill her, or rape her--I don't go for rape, sorry.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term or short term. Eventually, I'd like to build up a long term plot, however.

General Information

Character Description: From her Furcadia description:

She is petitely made, this woman, with fair skin and a smattering of freckles across her shoulders and cheeks, her belly and knees, that glint like gold dust in the light. She has been dried and shackled, the hooks and baubles taken from her hair, and clothed in a shift made of eggshell colored linen. Her eyes are hard chips of gold, wary of the world around her, and her hair is a tangled mass of hot sunlight that refuses taming, but lays instead where it will, with defiant curls and waves. Though human, there is something decidedly strange about the woman--it is in her walk, her voice, her words. She wears the smell of the sea like a lover's perfume, and hangs its colored gifts around her neck where there are faint, red scars one atop the other. An oddity, or a treasure?


Images: See website.

Contact Details: Folktale or Oracle on Furcadia.

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Re: Meera (Folktale) -- unowned slave.

Post by Raginfrik »

A note was tacked on the side of this slave's papers.
After racing a few slaves on the beach, this one gave mixed results. She was mouthy and hostile towards another slave and a guard, but forfeit her chance at winning to help another. With some training to get a hold of her tongue and her temper, she seems to have potential as a rather hardy slave down the road.... Very energetic and athletic.
-Raginfrik Ulfriksson
eat dicks
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