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The Rake: Unowned

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:24 am
by TheRake
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name Unknown
Nickname Rake
Name on Identification The Rake (Note on slave's name: When questioned, he merely said, "When I was a kit under the age of 15, my friends and I would oft go onto the forest floor for a night. We had a story we told about a dreadful creature who could hear your footsteps a mile away, who had golden glowing eyes, and ate young cubs who strayed too far from their mothers after midnight. It made no noise, had no smell, and came to be known as The Rake.")
Age True age unknown. Slave believes he is close to 26.
Gender Male
Species Binturong
Sub Species/Breed None

Physical Appearance

Body Type Tall, stocky, close to no body fat but heavily muscled (see: sfw)
Physical Details Grey hair is cropped close to his scalp, with a straight across hair line. Golden eyes flecked with black. Fur is dense, easily cleaned and scented, and black with a dark grey undercoat. Skin appears to be a light brown, scars appearing cream colored. Fingers and toes are tipped in cream fur, and ears are tipped in soft white fur.
Physical Markings A slight bit of silvering to his fur around the eyes and mouth. One large scar beneath his right rib cage, sewn shut at the time of injury, but still scarred.
Physical Drawbacks Unknown.
Current Infliction(s) None.
Physical Defenses Claws. Teeth. Prehensile tail, often used to trip people or pull them down in fights.
Appealing Attributes Masculine features. Well built body guard, gladiator, or working slave.
Clothing A simple leather jerkin with a leather gladiator's skirt.
Other Items Slave was brought in with a bamboo staff, a short sword, and a skinning knife.


Feral or Cultured Cultured
Phobias Open water, house fires
Disorders None known.
How do they present themselves Strong, amiable, competent.
Feelings towards being owned / rented Unbiased.
Overall Attitude Charming but reserved, sometimes gruff and quiet. Knows his place, but will sometimes take advantage of meek owners and renters.
Quirks If the slave has nothing to do, seems prone to napping.
Hobbies / Interests Martial arts, sparring, training, charting stars.
High or Low Maintenance High. Requires constant stimulation, sometimes needs put in his place and requires a strong hand to do so.
Diet / Allergies Requires simple and complex protein to keep his muscle mass; nuts, berries, eggs, red meat are favorites. No known allergies.


Languages Spoken Common. Spanish.
Can they Read / Write Yes, common and Spanish.
Can your character produce magic No
Talents / Skills Cooking, cleaning, personal entertainment, gladiator training, star mapping, slave handling, slave training, gardening (marijuana, vegetables, bonsai, annuals and perennials: for example), climbing, parkour, see also: training.
Training Staff fighting. Wrestling (ground work). Martial arts. Survival training. Gladiator training.
Handedness: Left (south paw)


Previous Owners Found and captured by Leopold Graham, later given to trainer Aetos Kouris to pay a debt.
Previous Usages Survival companion (first owner was an explorer), gladiator fighting, gladiator training, body guard, house guardian
Previous status Gardener, defender and hunter when young/free.
For Rent or to Own Either.
To Rent Ten Gold One Platinum
To Own 200 Gold or 20 Platinum

OOC Info/Notes

Availability It varies, but usually nights between 8pm-2am EST
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay Character development, rich role playing. I would love to see him trained in arena combat including gladiator weapons, perhaps someone to get him to act extremely submissive.
What are your allowances for your character Need consent to maim or kill. No consent needed for anything else.
Long Term/Short Term Either

General Information

Character Description

Heavily accent with a rough Spanish drawl, the omnivorous binturong was found deep in the forest with a tree-faring clan who excelled with spears and agility. Heavily muscled shoulders framed a chest made sturdy from years of gladiator training and brawling with scars dotting his dense black fur, rough but clean. Though he was skillfully trained in the arts of servitude, blood, and sweat, he remained a creature of habit.

Website RPR
Images face ref body ref
Contact Details Whisper The Rake

Re: The Rake: Unowned

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:46 pm
by Ulfrik
Ulfrik left a note added to The Rake's papers,
Slave was found having a full brawl in the untrained cage. Responded to guards with aggression when we attempted to subdue. Tried to attack at least two. This slave will be restrained by wrists and ankles, muzzle and tail for a week, and behavior checked then. Violent to fellow slaves, guards, and has attitude. Only water and gruel until released.
- Ulfrik Ulfriksson